Bamboo Environmental Toothbrush Soft Bristle is the dentist created solution for an environmentally friendly toothbrush.
What types are available?
That is an easy one to answer - Although most dentists will only recommend a soft bristle, we have found that approximately 45% of Australians use a medium toothbrush. So the toothbrush is available in both soft and medium in the adult size and soft in the child size.
The handle
The handle is made of MOSO bamboo, an environmentally sustainable timber. Bamboo is technically considered a member of the grass family. It is the fastest growing plant on earth, and incredibly abundant. The bamboo is cultivated for between three to five years, and then harvested. It re-generates itself naturally, with minimal rain and without the need for harmful pesticides. In fact, by harvesting and using the bamboo, we help to control unwanted spread into agricultural and natural forest areas. Bamboo Environmental Toothbrush only use bamboo that is grown by many local farmers (not plantation).
The bamboo is heat treated to carbonise the surface of the bamboo, giving it a quality finish and good service life. The carbonisation finishing process provides water resistance and prevents the growth of microbes (bacteria and moulds) during normal use.
The Bristles
The bristles are made from a BPA FREE polymer resistant to microbial growth during normal use, to ensure safety and durability.