I will be continually making new free available on
However, there are many different frames from many different manufactures and I wanted to create a way for people who wanted a new design for a frame to be able to commission one to be created by Medlin Drone.
This will make the commissioned design available for both the and FPV Gimbals.
This is a way to do that, commissioned base designs will be open-source and posted on MedlinDrone.com and will be attributed to the commissioner (you) including an optional short message and link to website or social media.
Please note: This is for the design work and does not include the gimbal kit, you can purchase the kit as well for either the or and select "Commissioned Design" for the Frame.
Please provide information regarding the desired frame in the "Add notes to your order" section of the shopping cart. For example:
- Shen Drones Terraplane
- Lumenier QAV-S 5"
If you do not do this, I will email you to get this information which will delay your order.
This may include some collaboration over email, including feedback on changes and design considerations, I guarantee up to three iterations. I will refund you if I am unable to create a design for your frame.
Strict first-come first-serve, no exceptions. If a duplicate commission (for the same frame) is ordered, I will refund the duplicate order and notify the buyer that there was already a commissioned design for that frame. This commission is limited to the Universal Mount FPV Gimbal design, however I am willing to make a small number of custom modifications to the Universal Mount design if needed on a per-request basis. A fully custom design would take much longer to create and cost much more, email [email protected] for quotes on fully custom design commissions or questions about standard commissions. The LDX-218 is my current go-to servo, but the design can be made for other servos as well, per request.
This is a great way to support both the community and Medlin Drone, as this allows others who have the same frame to have a free design available to them and allows Medlin Drone to generate income while creating open-source designs, a real win-win in my opinion.