This curated kit is designed to get you easily started on your minimal or zero waste routines.
This Kit contains
1. Bamboo Toothbrush - 1 pc(assorted colour) 100% natural and biodegradable handle and BPA free bristles
2. Bamboo tongue cleaner -1pc, light weight and easy to use and maintain.
3. Bamboo and cotton earbuds - pack of 80 swabs. Use them just as you would use your conventional plastic swabs - just that these will be gult free cleaning.
4. Natural Loofah / Bath sponge or scrub -1pc. Nature's best gift to exfoliate your skin. Use in circular motion to increase blood circulation.
5. Neem wood comb -1 pc. Power packed for Hair care with its antibacterial properties keeping lices, dandruff and hairfall at bay .
6. Coconut soap dish -1 pc. Best of out of waste, derived after the goodness of the fruit is utilized.
7. Handmade soap - 1 soap/ 60 gms. Our soaps are handmade with organic and cruelty free ingredients. You may receive any one of the fragrances- Vanilla, orange, coffee, charcoal
Special Benefits: Anti bacterial, Medicinal, Biodegradable and compostable.